Can RabbitMQ queues publish records in batches?

Parag Patil
3 min readMar 17, 2023

RabbitMQ itself does not provide a built-in mechanism to publish messages in batches directly. However, you can achieve batching by combining multiple messages into a single message payload or using publisher confirms to manage the rate at which you publish messages. Below is an example of how to achieve this in Java:

  1. Create a helper method to batch messages:
public static byte[] createBatchedMessage(List<String> messages) {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

try {
for (String message : messages) {
byte[] messageBytes = message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while batching messages", e);

return outputStream.toByteArray();

This method will take a list of messages, and combine them into a single-byte array separated by a line separator.

2. Modify the publishing code to send batched messages:

List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
messages.add("Message 1");
messages.add("Message 2");
messages.add("Message 3");

byte[] batchedMessage = createBatchedMessage(messages);

channel.basicPublish("", queueName, null, batchedMessage);

3. Update the consumer code to process batched messages:

public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
String batchedMessage = new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String[] messages = batchedMessage.split(System.lineSeparator());

for (String message : messages) {
System.out.println("Received message: " + message);

// Process the message
// ...

// Send an acknowledgement
getChannel().basicAck(envelope.getDeliveryTag(), false);

This will split the received batched message back into individual messages and process them one by one.

Keep in mind that this approach increases the message payload size, and you might need to adjust the batch size depending on your use case and RabbitMQ’s configuration (e.g., maximum message size). Additionally, if the processing of one message in the batch fails, it will be harder to handle retries or dead-lettering for that particular message, as the whole batch will be considered as a single message.

If you are looking for a way to publish messages in batches to optimize network usage, you can use the channel.waitForConfirms() (or channel.waitForConfirmsOrDie()) method to wait for publisher confirms instead of sending messages in batched payloads. This will not batch messages into a single payload, but it can help you control the rate at which you publish messages, improving throughput.

But what if the consumer thread pool is out of available threads to fetch messages from the queue and process the same

When the consumer thread pool is out of available threads, additional incoming messages will remain in the RabbitMQ queue until a thread becomes available to process them. This is a natural backpressure mechanism that helps prevent overloading the consumer application.

However, if you want to handle this situation more gracefully or implement a custom strategy, you can consider the following options:

  1. Limit prefetch count: Limit the number of unacknowledged messages allowed for each consumer. This will prevent the consumer from taking too many messages at once and overwhelming the thread pool. Set the prefetch count using channel.basicQos()
int prefetchCount = 10;

2. Monitor thread pool utilization: Continuously monitor the thread pool’s state and available capacity, and adjust the prefetch count accordingly. This can help maintain a balance between processing messages efficiently and preventing the consumer from being overloaded. For example, you can use a ThreadPoolExecutor and adjust the prefetch count based on the available threads

ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

int availableThreads = executor.getMaximumPoolSize() - executor.getActiveCount();
int updatedPrefetchCount = Math.max(1, availableThreads);

You can periodically check the available threads and update the prefetch count, or use a ScheduledExecutorService to perform this check at regular intervals.

3. Implement a backoff strategy: If you detect that the thread pool is running out of available threads, you can implement a backoff strategy to pause the consumption of messages temporarily. This can help alleviate pressure on the consumer while it catches up with processing the messages. You can use channel.basicCancel() to stop consuming messages and channel.basicConsume() to resume consumption after a backoff period

String consumerTag = channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, consumer);

// When the thread pool is full, stop consuming messages

// Wait for some time (backoff period) before resuming consumption

// Resume consuming messages
channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, consumer);

Keep in mind that you will need to handle the concurrency and synchronization aspects while implementing the above strategies.

By using one or a combination of these strategies, you can better handle the situation when your consumer’s thread pool is out of available threads, preventing your application from becoming overwhelmed by the additional messages in the queue.

