Maxim StanciuASP.Net Core 7: Unit Of Work with the Repository pattern boilerplate. Part 2IntroDec 26, 2022Dec 26, 2022
John klaumannInsane better performance with Span in C#Howdy performance lovers, it is time to optimize your code and have the faster application of the wild wild west.Jan 18, 20232Jan 18, 20232
InAssembly EngineeringbyNikitha KamathConstruct complex queries with ease using Builder pattern for Repository in DDDEvery system needs a persistent memory like a database. At Assembly, we use Domain Driven Design(DDD) which follows the Layered…Dec 14, 20224Dec 14, 20224
InDevOps.devbyJaydeep PatilDynamic Configuration of Angular Environmental Variables and Backend .NETAngular applications often have config settings that vary depending on which environment they are running in. For example, when running it…Apr 16, 2022Apr 16, 2022
InFAUN — Developer Community 🐾byJaydeep PatilUpload Single and Multiple File Upload using .NET Core 6 Web APIWe are going to discuss single and multiple file uploads with the help of the IFormFile Interface and others which are provided by .NET…Oct 1, 2022Oct 1, 2022
InTrimble Maps Engineering BlogbyMatthew HarperGetting Started with DynamoDB and .NET Core — How to Build a LeaderboardLearn how to use DynamoDB (and it’s keys and indexes) efficiently in this step by step guide with source code in C# and included Terraform.Jan 21, 2020Jan 21, 2020
Oscar ChávezHexagonal Architecture with Dotnet 6 — Part 3: Domain layerFirst of all, let’s refresh what this layer has and does, it’s something like:Oct 7, 2022Oct 7, 2022
Jaydeep PatilCustom and Thread Safe Logging .NET Core APIWhy logging is important?Jun 11, 20221Jun 11, 20221
InDevOps.devbyJaydeep PatilMicroservices Async Communication using Ocelot Gateway, RabbitMQ, Docker, and Angular 14We are going to discuss microservice asynchronous communication using the Ocelot API gateway and RabbitMQ Message Queue and…Aug 26, 2022Aug 26, 2022
Maulik Patel.NET LINQ query & syntax with different keywordThis article cover LINQ keyword with explanation and syntax.Oct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
InCP Massive ProgrammingbyItchimonjiDesign Patterns | Cheat Sheet ListA collection containing all Design Pattern Cheat SheetsJul 26, 20221Jul 26, 20221
Binod MahtoClean Code Architecture with Mediator & CQRS pattern in .Net CoreMay be for some of you, The Mediator pattern is known but here my focus is to using the Mediator pattern with CQRS (Command and Query…Jun 2, 20225Jun 2, 20225
InContino EngineeringbySwapnil DesaiPublishing Events to Kafka using an Outbox PatternPublishing events from Microservices to Apache Kafka using a well known Outbox Pattern.Oct 22, 20204Oct 22, 20204
Vishal YelveBest Practices to Secure ASP.NET Core MVC Web ApplicationsASP.NET Core MVC is a web development framework, widely used by developers around the word, to develop web applications. These web…Jul 7, 2022Jul 7, 2022
InDevOps.devbyJaydeep PatilMicroservices Implementation with Ocelot Gateway using .NET Core 6 API and Angular 14In this article, we are going to create two microservices and used that using Ocelot API Gateway using Client Application which is…Jul 31, 20221Jul 31, 20221
InPerimeterXbyAviv CarmiTesting Strategies in Microservices ArchitectureTL;DR — this article discusses automated testing in microservices architecture, how to keep it as simple as possible, and how to gain…May 12, 2022May 12, 2022
Alpesh PatelImplementing a Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core 6IntroductionJun 15, 20221Jun 15, 20221
satish1vSecuring Asp .NET Core ApplicationsIn this article, I’ll begin a series in which I’ll try to explain the identity concepts and how they are implemented in the.NET world…Oct 23, 2022Oct 23, 2022
Erick GallaniThe difference between null check with ‘is’ instead of ‘==’ in C#What is the difference between myObject == null or myObject is null?Jun 27, 20227Jun 27, 20227
Anthony TradWhy you shouldn’t use MediatR in .NETBending the Clean Architecture PrinciplesMay 16, 202216May 16, 202216